April 2018. I watched the Hans Zimmer Live in Prague on Netflix. I had never seen any series or film that generated so many emotions. An idea arises. You realize you’ve been a fool for years, since Zimmer has been doing concerts for quite some time. Something inside me changes forever. What if all that jet of emotions that cross you just for watching a concert on television, iPad or computer could be lived in real-time? What if instead of listening to all the soundtracks they have always accompanied me, could be watched?

And this was an event that the direction of the SeptimaCaja cannot miss. After an intensive search, we found the date. November 10 in Oberhausen (deep Germany). But, aren’t we in April!? So, what? In addition, to encourage craving we decided that, if it was done, it was done well. Row 5 with the intention of staying entranced by the show.

The SeptimaCaja didn’t miss the show

Each one took it his way. For one of ourselves, since April they were months of total abandonment of Hans Zimmer and his work. But for me, they were very long months and a very hard summer. Only imaging inside me every time when something of Hans appeared in my head, how it would be like to see it live. As the time passed, the light of November 10 became more and more intense. An eternal wait that had the deserved prize since the first song began to sound.

And the first song is Batman. Yes, Batman ‘Rise of Dark Knight’. Without anesthesia and direct to the action. The story of joint productions of Zimmer with Nolan may have better things, but they started in Batman and that ending showing the logo of ‘The World of Hans Zimmer’ almost makes you stand up to applaud. Then they delighted us with one of the works that personally made me consolidate Hans Zimmer as a reference artist. ‘King Arthur’. And it is not because the film was spectacular, but it is a clear example of how a movie is not at the level of some of the songs that accompany it. In this case, the voice of Moya Brennan is replaced by an armenian duduk interpreted by Pedro Eustache, as well as some epic background images (of the best of the film), arriving at a servant to a state of hanszimmerian ecstasy from which I could not get out the rest of the concert.

Lisa Gerrard in ‘Chimera’

Without time to recover, the surprise of the night jumps. ‘Mission Impossible 2’. Another clear example of OST that is far above from his movie. The visual spectacle of the beginning of the film (thanks for saving us the images of the ‘fallas’ in Holy Week) is carried out by the spanish guitar of Amir John Haddad, amazing. This song is followed by ‘Chimera’, with Lisa Gerrard in the vocals and Rusanda Panfili in the violin. Absolutely spectacular If I was already like a small block of hot butter, ‘Chimera’ was that cold knife that pierced me and ended up splitting me in half.

The other three performances that came before the break were ‘Pearl Harbor’, ‘Rush’ and ‘Da Vinci Code’. I sincerely believe that Pearl Harbor did not take all the advantage they could get, I missed (or could not hear) ‘December 7th’ which for me is the best by far. With the ‘Lost But Won’ of ‘Rush’ they did hit, great movie and soundtrack. Thrilling action. Before the break (necessary to get the taste of the concert), Hans appeared with his friend Ron Howard explaining ‘Da Vinci Code’. Maybe the film is not of many’s taste, or yes, but for me, it is undeniable that its soundtrack is remarkable. At first, we did not just hook up with the performance (it’s a bit dark), but the ‘Chevaliers de Sangreal’ at the end is sublime with those images of Tom Hanks and the pyramids of Paris.

Pearl Harbor in its splendor

After the break, we entered a somewhat childish terrain, where we could hear ‘Madagascar’, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Kung Fu Panda’. It was a prelude to relax for what was coming. Many laughs with ‘Madagascar’, strong emotions with ‘Spirit’ (one of those soundtracks not very well known but which are tremendously good). With ‘Kung Fu Panda’ some tears fell. It is because ‘Oogway Ascends’ is very good. Pedro Eustache used the exact chinese flaute used to record the soundtrack. It might not be the best section of the concert, but they made us have a great time.

Saying the truth, although it was not my favorite, ‘The Holiday’ was a good choice. I am one of those who had heard the soundtrack but had not seen the film, but I am satisfied with how simple and sweet their music was. Next, ‘Hannibal’. A reddish color covers the stage and the face of Lecter appears in a threatening way, luckily, we have Marie Spaemann at cello and Lisa Gerrard to give us some more tranquility. It’s not my favorite and I think I would not include it in a list of Zimmer tops, it could be the song that’s left over from the concert.

From here, pure festival. Obviously the best was kept for the end. The last half hour of concert I am convinced that it will be the best that I will live at the audiovisual level for the rest of my life. ‘The Lion King’, ‘Gladiator’, ‘Time’ from Inception and ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Let’s go one by one.

‘The Lion King’ made us enjoy like kids

One of the funniest characters that surround Zimmer is undoubtedly his great friend Lebo M. His voice is so characteristic that no need any kind of presentation. The level of ‘The Lion King’ was very high and Lebo M always makes it special, but in this case, it was almost not noticed. The stampede and death of Mufasa (which Zimmer composed as a tribute to his father after his death), the personal redemption of Simba and ‘Circle of Life’ sung by Asja Kadric and again played by Eustache with wind instruments directly puts the body in Africa. In my case, it’s probably my favorite Disney animated movie, and the Oscar that Zimmer got was not casual, it was probably the best of the concert.

From ‘Gladiator’ I think that little more can be said that has not already been said. It is a classic of Zimmer and as with ‘Da Vinci Code’, we made a journey from the beginning, with ‘The Battle’, until the end of the film, with Lisa Gerrard in the ‘Now we are free’. You cannot ask for nothing more. When finishing Gladiator, and as a farewell, Hans introduces us Time (accompanied by a beautiful dedication). But there is something different, to make us participate in what can be one of his greatest musical successes, he plays and the band accompanies. It was like being in the live of Prague, but without being. And it is such a torrent of emotions of ‘Time’ that destroys your heart. It may be the maximum that Zimmer has emotionally speaking. And they embroidered it not being easy to follow the rhythm of a person who is not physically with you. And there I had the feeling that the concerts finished.

They are almost all. Only Lisa Gerrard, Luis Ribeiro and Asja Kadric are missing.

When I looked at the clock and saw that we had already consumed almost the same time as from the beginning until the break, I felt a moment of discouragement, as if I were missing something. Yes, I had enjoyed a lot, but he wanted the night to be complete. In addition, Gavin Greenaway, director of the concert, was presenting as farewell to all who had participated in the concert: Asja Kadrić (a voice that melts inside), Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod and Lisa Gerrard, vocalists (no presentation needed). Juan García-Herreros, electric bass. Amir John Haddad-El Amir, guitars (a true genius and figure). Rusanda Panfili, violin (pure joy and smiles). Pedro Eustache, winds of the world and cul’e puya and joropo (in homage to Venezuela). Marie Spaemann, cello. Eliane Correa, keyboards. Aleksandra Šuklar, plates and percussion. Luis Ribeiro, percussions of the world. Lucy Landymore, drums and percussion. Accompanied by the symphony orchestra of Belarus. All great artists, most discoveries and to which I will try to follow in his careers.

But then the lights turn off and a familiar melody begins that transfers flavor to gold and sand. To a torrential rain accompanied by a gigantic whirlpool. To a surrealist wedding. And one of the most fantastic naval battles ever made. The secret is discovered, they were going to give us as the last representation ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and that was the culmination. If something has the soundtrack of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ (and the movie) is that cocktail in its fair measure of adventure, humor, love and epic. And nothing better than the songs at the end of ‘At World’s End’ to capture it. ‘I Do Not Think It Is The Best Time’ and ‘Drink Up Me Hearties’, nothing more to add. Pure ecstasy and tsunami of emotions that even to this day last.

‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ as a final culmination is awesome

If you have been or are a fan of the world that Hans Zimmer has created around his works, this concert is a must. Obviously (and we have commented) could have not been at the level some of the works represented. But the sample of the universe Zimmer that is proposed does not leave any classic off-hook. Each one sure missed 2 or 3 different songs, but that does not omit what is ‘The World of Hans Zimmer – A Symphonic Celebration’, an audiovisual marvel. It is not a simple music concert with an orchestra. It is the sum of an orchestra, a play of light that blends perfectly with each song, some artists who have been under the shadow of Hans Zimmer for many years and some screens that we have already mentioned that will show us the most epic moments of each of the performances. They also serve to include a chorus that contributes its grain of sand in some of the most stellar moments of the concert (‘Da Vinci Code’, ‘Mission Impossible 2’, or ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’).

In my case, it is possible that it was the concert of my life. I do not think that anyone will ever be able to overcome what I experienced from the seat of my fifth row in Oberhausen on November 10, 2018. Magic, pure enjoyment and the occasional teardrop.

‘The World of Hans Zimmer – A Symphonic Celebration’ will be back on tour next spring. A good opportunity for laggards. 

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About Javier GF

Editor en la Septimacaja. Ingeniero de profesión, deportista como afición. El espacio es una de mis mayores pasiones, entender como funciona el mundo es indispensable para poder cambiarlo. Devorador de series y agitador de aquellos que nos quieran colar pelis de SerieB como grandes estrenos.




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